For the past few decades, Disney Channel has converted disney princesses into a figure of femininity and humbleness. They are portrayed as flawless figures presenting great splendor and magnificance not just physically but characteristically. For example, Bell from the "Beauty and the Beast," Jasmine in "Aladdin," and Cinderella, portray beauty, grace, and perfection. In all these movies, each one of them present a stereotypical perspective from which one can tell that since they are women, they are weak emotionally and physically. Their "prince charming" saves them in the nick of time from their conflicted lives. With Belle's humble personality, she endures the beast's aggressive behavior towards her and because of her lovely features the beast gives in to her grace and modesty. Jasmine is saved from Jafar (the evil villain who attempts to capture Jasmine and force her to marry him)by Aladdin who is possessed by Jasmine's exotic beauty. He comes to her rescue in time to annihilate Jafar and acquire Jasmine as his. It is typical to think that men are known as masculine type; that they should acquire toughness and aggression. Alice Eagerly and Valerie Steffen from the Purdue University on "Gender and Agressive Behavior" state that "Psychologists and popular writers who have analyzed the male gender role have claimed that men are expected to be tough, violent, and aggressive...people expect men to be aggressive(Eagerly & Steffen). This broadens the idea that masculinity is stereotypical in these Disney fairy tales where the princes come to the rescue of their princesses, and the princessess are portrayed as the weak figures.
Eagly, Alice H. & Steffen, Valerie J. "Gender and Aggressive Behavior." The American Psychological Association, Inc. 1986.
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